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Your hobby your job makes Happy

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 Our general attitude and temperament is that the work we are doing, the work that provides sustenance, the work that burns the hearth of the house

 They describe the evils and shortcomings of this work, they get tired of this work, they make their heart bitter with this work, they are doing it by force.

 Job seekers get bored with their job, do bad things to everyone, look for a better job.

 After a while, those who do their work start stealing, they don't enjoy their work, they just go home, their heart is pounding ...

 If your hobby becomes your job, it makes you happy, it makes your heart happy, it makes you want to work harder, it develops quickly, it is easy to achieve success ...

 Do the work that leads to devotion and love, adopt the skills that make you happy ...

 If you make a job that you like your job, then you will enjoy working hard, it will be easy to get progress, it will be easy to achieve more success.

#Passion #never_give_up #hobbies #pawri_ho_rhi_he